Monday, July 16, 2007

Awesome Milestone & New Pictures!

Last night, Collier slept a full 7 hours! Praise you God! He ate and 9:30pm last night and did not get up until 5:30am this morning. Lets hope this is the beginning of a great thing!!

Here are some new snapshots! Collier will be 8 weeks old this Wednesday.



Anonymous said...

Praise God for all things Collier. is so precious and he is so handsome in these new pictures. Papaw & Mimi can't wait to get our hands on him again. We love ya Russ, Robbie & Collier.

Papaw & Mim Rhodes

Melissa said...

I can't believe how big he's gotten! It's amazing what God can do! What a beautiful little baby boy!

The Nelson Family said...

Yea! Sleeep is so nice to have! Thanks for putting up more pictures. I love to see that sweet little face!

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous bundle he is! Enjoy the sleep while you can...they grow up and start to drive and well, sleep leaves you once again! LOL LOL LOL LOL
Ya'll are such a blessing to everyone! Love ya'll!