Saturday, December 06, 2008

Misc Pictures Taken in July 2008

OK! Finally Some Pics of Collier!

Please forgive me for not updated our blog since July! So here goes!

Here is Collier in June 2008 cheezing for the camera right before bed time!

Collier and Daddy are getting some reading time in just before bed time!

Collier is hanging out at the hospital waiting to see his new cousin! Kinsley was born on 6/23/2008.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Collier's 1 year professional pictures

Click Here

This link is good for the next 10 days only.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

First Picnic with Daddy & Mommy

On May 24th, we went to Mills Park for a family picnic. It was a beautiful day and we had fun together!

New Toy

Uncle Chris and Aunt Julia gave Collier this cool singing chair for his birthday. You can tell that he loves to sit and play!

Lake Trip

We went to DeGray lake over the Memorial Day weekend. Collier had is first swim in the lake and his first encounter with sand! Take a look at the pics!

Monday, June 09, 2008

Bath Time on May 13, 2008

Here are some snapshots of Collier at bathtime. He loves taking a bath and splashing the water every where!

Collier's First Trip to The Zoo

We went to the zoo for the first time in April. We had fun!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Collier Turns 1 Year Old!!!

Where did this first year go? Here are some pictures of Collier's birthday party. He had fun eating cake for the first time!! He really enjoyed his new wagon and sand & water table.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Cruise Day 4

Our second port of all was Curacao. We did an excursions that took us all over the island showing us great spots and telling us about the history and neat facts about Curacao!

Cruise Day 3

Our first port of call, Aruba! We did a Safari Jeep 4x4 excursion. All 4 of us in one jeep with Russ driving! Ask how Russ almost got us all killed!

Cruise Day 2

We spend the day sailing to our first port. Dinner was formal dress! Great food!

Southern Caribbean Cruise - Day 1

We made it to San Juan and we are boarding the board and conducting the safety drill!

Thursday, April 03, 2008

First Easter

Collier experienced his first Easter Celebration! We praise God that Jesus Christ arose from the dead to sit at the right side of God's throne. Jesus is alive, therefore, we too are alive!!!

FYI Pictures come up a few seconds after the page comes patient...they will appear!

Here are some pictures from the day!

Monday, March 17, 2008

misc pictures

Here are some misc pictures we have taken recently of Collier. He enjoyed the only measurable snow we have had this season and it was only here for a few hours.

Collier's 9-month Pictures

Click on the link below to look at Collier's 9-month pictures. The link is only good for the next 10 days.

Joel's Photography

Monday, February 04, 2008

Collier Turns 8 months

Every month, we put Collier in the middle of his stuffed animals to see how much he has grown. He is rolling everywhere. No crawling yet, but maybe soon. He waved bye bye to himself for the first time last week. He made is first consonant sound (bah) cool! Here are his latest pictures:

Collier Participates In His First Protest

Every year, to mark the anniversary of Roe vs Wade, the Arkansas March for Life marches down Capital Ave to the Capital to rally against the legalized killing of innocent babies. We thought it appropriate to induct Collier into this great event we partcipate in every year! Check out the photos was a cold day!!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Humbled, Shocked and In Awe of YOU!

This past week, I was going through a list of people's blogs to see the latest and found one that was using a view counter. You know, a counter that tells you how many times your blog was accessed by others. Ok, it has been on for a week and as of right now, we are at 118! Just this morning, I logged in and it was at 106. Ok, I am shocked and at the same time humbled that so many people would want to look at our blog. Wow! It makes me want to update it more frequently than I do. I will add some new pictures tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Collier's First Christmas

We had the privilege to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ with all of our families. It was a lot of fun watching Collier and spending time with our families. I hope you enjoy the slide is just a small portion of the many pictures taken during our celebrations!